I'm a writer with a background in neuroscience & Japanese. Before writing, I worked in brain imaging labs studying sleep and memory.
Cousins Like Us: Black Lives and John Maynard Keynes
“This is how differences between cousins like us get created and sustained.” On Keynes & race, in conversation with my cousin.
The Attention Machine
A new brain-scanning technique could change the way scientists think about human focus.
A Trip Inside the Schizophrenic Mind
Researchers are investigating how hallucinogens might be used to model—and develop treatments for—psychosis
Laughing At The Dark — Medium
How David Foster Wallace Takes Readers Places They Don’t Like to Go
Meet CRISPR: Humanity’s Shiny New Tool
One of biology’s wilder facts is that we’re all family. You and me, sure, but also me and a mushroom.
A Vaccine For Depression?
Ketamine’s remarkable effect bolsters a new theory of mental illness.
What We're Reading: Fox 8 by George Saunders: The Q: GQ
"Fiction softens the border between you and me, between me and me, between the reader and the writer."
Reading in Public: Tales of Love and Literature, Pt. IV
A stranger reading Trimalchio on the subway seemingly opens up the doors to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s New York....
The Man Behind New App Shadow Wants To Quantify Our Dreams | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
The Man Behind New App Shadow Wants To Quantify Our...
Moody Genes
“All families are likely to have some madness tucked away somewhere.”
A review of “another kind of madness” by Steve Hinshaw.
Decoding the Brain
One day, scientists will be able to “see” the images and memories in our minds
Asylum, Again: Why We Need to Stop Punishing the Mentally Ill
One in three black men in the United States will spend time incarcerated. This is old news. What gets less attention is another injustice: the gap in how America treats — or, more often, punishes — the mentally ill.